Ceramic tile printing machine is a new type of glass tile printing equipment, which belongs to digital printing machine. Ceramic tile printing machine is not a professional name, according to different principles to distinguish, ceramic tile printing machine can have many different names and names. Ceramic tile printing machine, as a new printing equipment, ignited the color printing industry in a short time and set off a wave of personalized digital color printing.
1. According to its printing principle, it can be called inkjet printer, digital printer and digital printer. Glass color printing machine is an advanced digital printing equipment. The core technology of digital inkjet printing is introduced from Japan.
2. According to the principle of its mechanical structure, it can be called ceramic tile printing machine and ceramic tile photo machine. Because tile printing machine is usually modified by Epson large-format printing machine and Tadao photo machine.
3. According to its applicable color printing industry and material, it can be divided into glass color printing machine, metal color printing machine, advertising color printing machine, leather color printing machine, cloth printing machine, clothing printing machine, acrylic color printing machine, wood printing machine, ceiling color printing machine, plastic color printing machine, ceramic color printing machine, shell color printing machine, door color transfer printing machine. Machine, sign color printing machine, mobile phone shell color printing machine, ceramic tile printing machine, etc.
4. According to its applicable output and productivity characteristics, it can also be used as short-plate printer, personalized color printer, universal color printer, small batch printer and small batch color printer. Because of its unique digital printing technology, it can be printed0n a single sheet without restricting the amount of printing. It is very suitable for the printing of personalized patterns, a large number of different patterns, colors, coding, Logo and so0n.
5. According to its plate and platform, it can also be called flat-panel printing machine, flat-panel color printing machine, flat-panel printing machine, flat-panel printing machine, flat-panel photogrammeter, flat-panel spray printing machine, flat-panel spray printing machine, etc. Flat plate plateau printing is another major feature of glass color printing machine, which can be widely used for printing various sheets.
6. According to the suitable ink (ink), it can also be called weak solvent ink watermarking machine, solvent ink watermarking machine, environmental protection ink watermarking brushing machine, universal ink watermarking machine, textile ink watermarking machine, non-coating ink watermarking brushing machine, etc. Different inks and inks can be used in different PVC印花机被称为UV平板印花机,它突破了数码印刷技术瓶颈,实现了真正意义上的一次性全能印刷,是传统印刷机的换代产品。它不受任何材料限制,可以在任何平面材料表面进行彩色照片级印刷。不论是简单的块色的图案、全彩色的图案或是具有过度色的图案,都能一次印刷完成,无需制版、无需晒版和重复套色,应用领域非常广泛。
操作简单方便 无需制版及重复套色流程,操作简单易维护 。
打印速度快 投入成本低,高速印刷完全适用工业批量生产 。
克服材料的界限 可打印规定厚度内的任意介质,完全克服了只能使用专用纸张和专用规格的传统打印方式,可以使用非常薄或非常厚的物件,其厚度可达到0.01mm-100mm-450mm。
Satisfies all kinds of material plane material and unlimited printing.
高度调节及批量设定 可根据印刷物件调整高度,采用了水平移动式垂直喷射结构,可方便自由地使用各种原材料。轻松放置后都能自动升降到合适的打印高度。并可以随意设定批量化生产自动进料时间,省却了重复操作电脑的步骤。
受物体材质的影响 可以用丰富的色彩在原材料,如:金属、塑料、石材、瓷砖、木材、金属、玻璃、水晶、瓷砖、铜版纸) 等所有墙面,软、硬质物体表面上进行图像的真彩图文打印。
高精度完美打印 --采用全球精细爱普生喷头3.5pl墨滴,和理光7-35pl灰度渐变打印保证画面的精美。
粗糙面及斜面打印 可克服多5mm的原材料厚度偏差,根据被印刷物体表面的特性,凹凸落差大可扩张至5mm,并能呈现完美的印刷效果。
采用连续供墨系统 智能墨水报警系统,添加墨水方便,同时使印刷成本降至低。
采用水性颜环保墨水 清晰完美的印刷质量,层次分明,色块全部可见,无偏色、混色现象、防水、耐磨、品质非热转印、丝印等传统工艺可比。
超低的印制成本 比起现有的热转印工艺,可节约80%以上的成本。