JY-YT231 Foam Defoamer
1. 产品特性 Feature
Composed of modified polysiloxane, polysiloxane, white carbon black and dispersant;
宽广的 PH 和温度适用范围:
Wide pH and temperature range:
Rapid defoaming and long-term foam suppression;
Easily dispersed in water
2. 典型物性 Physical property data
项目/外观 Item/Appearance
外观:浅黄色至乳白色液体 Appearance: light yellow to milky white liquid
PH值 pH value
固定量 Fixed amount
粘度 Viscosity
适当稀释剂:10~30℃增稠水 Appropriate diluent: 10~30℃ thickened water
3. 应用领域 Application
石油采气,天然气井; Oil and gas production, natural gas wells
石油钻井泥浆; Oil drilling mud
Petroleum drilling fluids, cementing systems and other water-phase foams
其它的水相泡沫。 Other water phase foams.
4. 使用方法 Instructions
JY-YT231 可在泡沫产生后添加或作为抑泡组份加入产品中;
JY-YT231 can be added after foam is generated or added to the product as a foam suppressing component;
根据不同使用体系,JY-YT230 的添加量可为 10~1000ppm,具体添加量由客户根据具体情况试验决定。
According to different usage systems, the addition amount of JY-YT230 can be 10~1000ppm. The specific addition amount is determined by the customer based on the specific situation.
JY-YT231 可直接使用,也可稀释后使用。如在起泡体系中能充分搅拌分散,可以直接添加,无需稀释。如需稀释,请使用增稠水进行。直接用水稀释产品的方法不可取,容易出现分层破乳等现象,从而影响产品品质。
JY-YT231 can be used directly or diluted. If it can be fully stirred and dispersed in the foaming system, it can be added directly without dilution. If dilution is required, use thickened water. It is not advisable to dilute the product directly with water, as it is prone to stratification and demulsification, thus affecting product quality.
5. 包装与贮存方式 Packaging & Storage and Precautions
1. 采用 25kg 或 200kg 塑桶包装。如有特殊要求可协商定制。
Packed in 25kg or 200kg plastic drums, or customized.
2. 常温保存(5~40℃),避免阳光直射。
Store at room temperature (5~40℃) and avoid direct sunlight.
3. 在建议的储存温度及未开封包装的条件下,自生产之日起,保质期为 6 个月。
Under the recommended storage temperature and unopened packaging conditions, the warranty is 6 months from the date of production.
免责申明:本网页所展示的有关【JY-YT231泡排消泡剂 Foam defoamer_服装项目】的信息/图片/参数等由中商114的会员提供,由中商114会员自行对信息/图片/参数等的真实性、准确性和合法性负责,本平台(本网站)仅提供展示服务,请谨慎交易,因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷由您自行协商解决,本平台(本网站)对此不承担任何责任。
友情提醒:建议您通过拨打厂家联系方式确认最终价格,并索要JY-YT231泡排消泡剂 Foam defoamer_服装项目样品确认产品质量。如JY-YT231泡排消泡剂 Foam defoamer_服装项目报价过低,可能为虚假信息,请确认JY-YT231泡排消泡剂 Foam defoamer_服装项目报价真实性,谨防上当受骗。