Guizhou qualification Agency (zizhiguanjia.com) is the first vertical service platform for construction industry in China. It is committed to providing efficient, low-cost and professional online services for construction industry entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized construction enterprises.
Guizhou qualification agency provides the professional services for the construction enterprises through the four dimensions of "registered company, agency bookkeeping, talent hunting and qualification agency", providing effective service for construction enterprises in all directions.
What is the scope of the two level qualification of the general contracting of construction engineering? What are the scope of the project? What are the scope of the general contract qualification of the construction enterprise? According to the latest qualification standard, the two level qualification of the general contractor of construction engineering can undertake the following engineering scope construction.
一、高度100 米以下的工业、民用建筑工程;
1. Industrial and civil construction projects below 100 meters;
二、高度120 米以下的构筑物工程;
Two. Construction projects under 120 meters high.
三、建筑面积4 万平方米以下的单体工业、民用建筑工程;
Three, a single industrial and civil construction project with a building area of less than 40 thousand square meters;
四、单跨跨度39 米以下的建筑工程。
Four, a single span with a span of less than 39 meters of construction