



价格: 面议
起订量: 1 套
产品品牌: 弘通石化装备
地址: 江苏省无锡市宜兴竺西工业园中兴路8号








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MVR蒸发器概述/MVR evaporator overview
       MVR蒸发器(mechanical vapor recompression)的简称,蒸发器产生的二次蒸汽经过压缩后再利用的新型蒸发器。只需开车启动将物料加热到蒸发温度即可蒸发,正常运转时基本无需外界能源,蒸发浓缩领域中的能耗节约的新技术。早在60年代,徳国和法国已经开始的将该技术应用于化工、制 药、造纸、污水处理、海水淡化等行业。
       It is Short for MVR evaporator (mechanical vapor recompression). It is a new kind of evaporator which may reuse secondary steam (after compression after compression) produced by the evaporator after compression. You only need to start up the equipment and heat the material to evaporation temperature. Almost no external energy source is needed for normal operation. This is a new kind of technology which requires least energy in evaporation and concentration area. Since 1960s, Germany and France have begun to apply this technology in chemical, pharmaceutical, paper-making, sewage treatment, seawater desalination and other industries.
       This MVR evaporation starts and heats by steam or electric heating device; it is of automatic control by PLC; it can start and stop at any time with high automation degree. 

MVR蒸发器的优势及特点/Advantages and Characteristics of MVR Evaporator
       1. energy saving: the use of secondary steam preheating heating, no waste heat steam emissions, the equivalent of 8 efficiency evaporator efficiency.
       2environmental protection: equipment only need to preheat steam, then no heat, direct inverter motor can drive the compressor can be compressed compressor.
       3a high degree of automation: MVR evaporator automatic control system, the entire evaporator only in the control room can operate a person, reducing labor costs and improve product quality.
       4the compressor selection: evaporation of 0.2 ~ 2T general selection of low-speed Roots compressor, 2T above the choice of high-speed centrifugal compressor.

MVR蒸发器应用行业/MVR evaporator application industry
       工业废水的浓缩和水的循环再利用。如电镀行业、涂料生产行业、医 药和农药行业、金属加工行业、造纸行业和原 油生产行业等污水处理。从污水中去掉有机物和无机盐。变废为宝。如何低成本解决高含盐工业废水回用问题,是众所知难题,MVR蒸发器是处理这类工业废水的好方案。
       3、制 药工业
       我国的制 药行业,是个传统的行业,使用了大量的老化、旧式蒸发器,不仅降低药品质量,还浪费了大量的能源,急需升级换代减少二氧化碳的排放。MVR还用于生产西药的蒸发、浓缩、结晶和干燥,中药的浓缩。
       1treatment of industrial wastewater (environmental protection)
       Concentration of industrial wastewater and recycling of water. Such as electroplating industry, paint production industry, pharmaceutical and pesticide industry, metal processing industry, paper industry and crude oil production industry and other sewage treatment. Remove organic and inorganic salts from the effluent. Turning waste into treasure. How to solve the problem of high-salt industrial wastewater reuse is a well-known problem. MVR evaporator is the best solution to deal with such industrial wastewater.
       2chemical industry
       Production of hollow fiber molecules, treatment of water, purification of spices, production of chemical raw materials such as sodium chlorite and sodium persulfate, desalination of seawater, concentration and crystallization of organic additives, refining of the extract, and analysis of the reaction product into Solvents and products.
       3the pharmaceutical industry
       China's pharmaceutical industry, is a traditional industry, the use of a large number of aging, old evaporator, not only reduce the quality of drugs, but also a lot of waste of energy, the urgent need to upgrade to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. MVR is also used to produce western medicine for the evaporation, concentration, crystallization and drying of Chinese medicine.
       4the food industry
       In the deep processing of food industry, a large number of evaporation technology to achieve the function of dehydration. Such as concentrated corn steep liquor and extraction of glucose, amino acids and so on. Extraction of isopropanol from pectin, extraction and concentration of aromatics, fractionation of food and fermented fragrances, refining of solvents.
       5wine industry
       Wine industry China is an ancient industry. MVR evaporator can replace the old distillation equipment.
       6the milk industry
       Because the milk industry needs low temperature, high degree of cleanliness, high degree of automation and other characteristics of the traditional evaporator is difficult to meet these requirements, so have the MVR evaporator development opportunities.
       7the concentration of the beverage industry
       Tomato sauce, peach pulp, apricot pulp, carrot pulp, apple pulp, kiwi pulp

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